What are the benefits of creating an account at CHARLESKEITH.CO.TH?
Having an account with CHARLESKEITH.CO.TH will speed up the checkout process, having your delivery and billing details recorded, and allow you to keep track of your orders. You can sign up for an account before shopping or create one before you head to checkout.
You would also be entitled to a VIP membership if you accumulate purchases up to a net total value of 12,500 Baht and above, excluding shipping fee (Order status is ‘Completed’). TheVIP membership privileges include welcome privileges, birthday privileges, and many more.
Should you need the Tax Invoice, please select 'Check this box if you need a full tax receipt' and enter your Tax ID and Branch (or leave it empty if not applicable) under the billing address in the payment section. You will receive the Tax Invoice in paper form along with the product.

For your convenience, please enter the complete Tax Invoice details during the checkout process. If you require the Tax Invoice for a past online purchase (within 14 days from the order date), kindly contact us at
To check on your order status, sign in to your account and refer to My Purchases and Returns under My Account. Your order status is reflected next to your order number. Please note that you will not be able to view your order status if you opt for guest checkout.
To check on your order status, sign in to your account and refer to My Purchases and Returns under My Account. Your order status is reflected next to your order number. Please note that you will not be able to view your order status if you opt for guest checkout.
Please contact us at for further assistance.
Unfortunately, we are unable to amend an order once it has been placed. This includes changing the size/colour of item(s), removing or adding item(s), changing the billing or shipping addresses, and payment mode.
We do our best to ensure fast delivery and it would be advisable to check your order before placing it.
Please contact us at for further assistance.
You can cancel the order within 20 minutes only.
If you placed the order through your account, you can locate the ‘CANCEL’ button on My Purchases & Returns under My Account. You will receive the email to confirm your cancellation.
If you have checked out as Guest, please contact us at for further assistance.
We do our best to ensure fast delivery and it would be advisable to check your order before placing it.
If you wish to be notified when your favourite item is back in stock, you can do so by clicking on the ‘NOTIFY ME WHEN AVAILABLE’ button located at the product detail page. You will be notified when the item you have requested to be notified for stock availability is back in stock.
Unless the item is an Online Exclusive, you could also check the stock levels at our stores by clicking the ‘FIND IN STORE’ button at the product detail page. Stock levels are approximate due to real-time purchases in store. Please contact our stores for more information.
We apologize to inform you that we cannot exclude the Receipt/Tax Invoice document from the parcel.
No, paper bags are not applicable for all online orders.
Unfortunately, MinorPlus Card membership privileges are not applicable to be used on CHARLESKEITH.CO.TH at the moment.
However, you could collect MinorPlus points from any online purchases.